Dohoda dosažena, na řadě je schválení Radou a Parlamentem

Na Štědrý den oznámily vyjednávací týmy dosažení dlouho očekávané dohody o budoucím vztahu EU a UK. Další kroky jsou plánovány s mimořádnou urgencí tak, aby ustanovení dohody mohla plynule navázat na konec přechodného období 31. prosince 2020.
Chcete-li vědět víc o obsahu dohody samotné, pokračujte kliknutím na článek výše

Press release summarizes the main pillars of the drafted agreement:

Dohoda o volném obchodu: nové hospodářské a sociální partnerství se Spojeným královstvím

  • The agreement covers not just trade in goods and services, but also a broad range of other areas in the EU's interest, such as investment, competition, State aid, tax transparency, air and road transport, energy and sustainability, fisheries, data protection, and social security coordination.
  • It provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin.
  • Both parties have committed to ensuring a robust level playing field by maintaining high levels of protection in areas such as environmental protection, the fight against climate change and carbon pricing, social and labour rights, tax transparency and State aid, with effective, domestic enforcement, a binding dispute settlement mechanism and the possibility for both parties to take remedial measures.
  • The EU and the UK agreed on a new framework for the joint management of fish stocks in EU and UK waters. The UK will be able to further develop British fishing activities, while the activities and livelihoods of European fishing communities will be safeguarded, and natural resources preserved.
  • On transport, the agreement provides for continued and sustainable air, road, rail and maritime connectivity, though market access falls below what the Single Market offers. It includes provisions to ensure that competition between EU and UK operators takes place on a level playing field, so that passenger rights, workers' rights and transport safety are not undermined.
  • On energy, the agreement provides a new model for trading and interconnectivity, with guarantees for open and fair competition, including on safety standards for offshore, and production of renewable energy.
  • On social security coordination, the agreement aims at ensuring a number of rights of EU citizens and UK nationals. This concerns EU citizens working in, travelling or moving to the UK and to UK nationals working in, travelling or moving to the EU after 1st January 2021.
  • Finally, the agreement enables the UK's continued participation in a number of flagship EU programmes for the period 2021-2027 (subject to a financial contribution by the UK to the EU budget), such as Horizon Europe.

A new partnership for our citizens' security

  • Dohoda o obchodu a spolupráci stanoví nový rámec pro vymáhání práva a  justiční spolupráci v trestních a občanských věcech. Uznává potřebu intenzivní spolupráce mezi vnitrostátními policejními a justičními orgány, zejména v oblasti boje proti přeshraniční trestné činnosti a  terorismu a jejich stíhání. Vytváří nové operativní schopnosti s ohledem na skutečnost, že Spojené království jako třetí země mimo schengenský prostor nebude mít stejné možnosti jako dříve. Spolupráce v oblasti bezpečnosti může být pozastavena v případě, že Spojené království poruší svůj závazek nadále dodržovat Evropskou úmluvu o lidských právech a  její vnitrostátní vymáhání.

Horizontální dohoda o správě: rámec, který obstojí v čase

  • To give maximum legal certainty to businesses, consumers and citizens, a dedicated chapter on governance provides clarity on how the agreement will be operated and controlled. It also establishes a Joint Partnership Council, who will make sure the Agreement is properly applied and interpreted, and in which all arising issues will be discussed.
  • Binding enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms will ensure that rights of businesses, consumers and individuals are respected. This means that businesses in the EU and the UK compete on a level playing field and will avoid either party using its regulatory autonomy to grant unfair subsidies or distort competition.
  • Both parties can engage in cross-sector retaliation in case of violations of the agreement. This cross-sector retaliation applies to all areas of the economic partnership.

Foreign policy, external security and defence cooperation is not covered by the Agreement as the UK did not want to negotiate this matter. As of 1 January 2021, there will therefore be no framework in place between the UK and the EU to develop and coordinate joint responses to foreign policy challenges, for instance the imposition of sanctions on third country nationals or economies.

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