For specific and up to date information on traveling to UK please visit Czech embassy in London.

The Ministry of Transport also published a comprehensive summarizing article on transport.

Urgent News - Entry/Exit System (EES):


In 2025, the EU is expected to introduce the Entry/Exit System (EES), a new digital system for registering third-country travellers entering the EU for short stays (covering both short-stay visa holders and non-visa holders). The EES will register a person's name, type of travel document, biometric data (fingerprints and facial images), date and place of entry/exit. The system will also allow travellers to check the remaining number of days of their authorised stay online via this link. This system has different consequences depending on whether you are a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement or not.


UK nationals who are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (legally residing in the EU before 1 January 2021) will be exempted from registration with the EES provided they have a biometric residence card. This has previously not been a requirement as Czechia has opted to grandfather UK citizens according to the Withdrawal Agreement without the need for specific new identification. The introduction of the EES will however newly require a biometric identification card. If you still do not have one, please apply for one as soon as possible – the Ministry of the Interior has been issuing documents with biometric data since 2 August 2021. In the first few months after the EES launch, you can expect a longer time to complete border checks, both on entry and exit. The first entry/exit after the EES is implemented will involve registration of data, while subsequent entries will only require their verification, which will make border checks more efficient.


More details can be found in the guide-UK’s Living in the Czech Republic, on the European Commission website (including the attached document) and on the Information Portal for Foreigners.


Since 1 January 2021 fundamental changes occurred despite concluded Trade and Cooperation agreement. The free movement of persons, goods and services between the United Kingdom (UK) and EU was concluded as the uK left single market and customs union.

Travelers to and from the UK should be prepared for changes regarding border controls, visa requirements, driving licenses and roaming charges or travel documents for pets. Companies providing travel services should be aware of these changes and adapt their practices accordingly.

Checks on persons and visas

From 1 January 2021, UK nationals traveling to the EU and the Schengen area are treated as third country travelers, ie border checks, the need to comply with the entry conditions for third-country nationals and the duration of their intended stay in the EU Member States may not exceed 90 days in any 180-day period.

The British can continue to travel to the European Union for short stays (maximum 90 days during any 180-day period). This visa waiver does not establish the right to work in the EU. Short-term visa-free stay in the EU is subject to reciprocal visa-free stay rules in the UK.

As from 1 January 2021, UK nationals and British citizens benefitting from the Withdrawal Agreement may not undergo border checks at the designated EU/EEA/CH checkpoints. They may neither use the easyGO system for automatic border control.


Also, take into account the ban on imports of meat, meat products, milk and milk products for personal consumption in personal baggage.


Driving license

From 1 January 2021, driving licenses are no longer automatically mutually recognized. The recognition of driving licenses issued in the UK will be regulated at Member State level. The responsible authority of the Member State concerned should be consulted for further information.
More detailed information in Ministry of transport article on exchange of driving licences or in road transport notice of the European Commission.


Since 1 January 2021, the "standard EU roaming tariffs" are no longer guaranteed to EU citizens in UK. Local operators may therefore charge an extra fee to roaming customers.

Passenger rights

From 1 January 2021, the level of protection of passengers in air, rail, bus, coach and ship transport is affected, including assistance to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility between the EU and the UK. Depending on the mean of transport, passengers traveling to or from the UK may no longer be covered by the protection of passengers' rights in the EU.

Traveling with pets

From 1 January 2021, the EU pet travel document issued to UK pet owners ceased to be a valid travel document with animals to any of the EU Member States. The requirements for pet animals accompanying persons from the UK will be determined by the EU.

Sources of information

  • Communication on readiness at the end of the transition period HERE

Author: Legislative, legal and analytical department, Chamber of Commerce